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LibraryH3lp is software used by libraries, educators, and non-profits for better customer service.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Got FAQ?

Example: The LibraryH3lp FAQ

Guests want quick, easy answers to questions and access to information around the clock. After all, we're living in the information age right? The LibraryH3lp FAQ module is a great way to provide those answers and information. This handy module has what you need to provide help any time -- structured articles paired with search functionality, all optionally organized by help topic.

When you create a FAQ, you are creating a powerful resource that delivers 24/7 support and makes for happier guests. Why happier? Your FAQ is a huge time saver. By providing instant answers to all the most commonly asked questions, you'll be saving guests a heap of time. And by the way, your FAQ also lightens the load on staff, improving efficiency and service quality.

If you don’t have a FAQ yet, now is a fine time to start. And you don't have to start big. Start small with a few key commonly asked questions and then build over time. If you find you're getting a certain question asked frequently in chat, then add it to your FAQ. Over time, you'll build up an extensive and solid knowledgebase. The LibraryH3lp documentation has a section dedicated to navigating the FAQ module in the left sidebar with all you need to know about starting a FAQ. And unlimited use of the FAQ module is included with every LibraryH3lp subscription so it won't cost you an extra cent.

Whether you already have a FAQ or not, the LibraryH3lp support team offers free template design and import services. You don't have to be a web guru to have a great looking FAQ. Just shoot us an email and we'll be happy to customize your FAQ's templates to coordinate with your website and/or import existing questions and answers from an existing resource. Turn around time is quick -- usually just one or two business days.

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