Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Updated and Expanded Queues Management Page
We've expanded the features available in the queues management page of the admin dashboard and given it a fresh new look! We invite you to give it a whirl (US, CA, EU, SG) and let us know of any suggestions you might have to improve it for everyone.
Note: If you have administrative access to your LibraryH3lp subscription, then this post is crafted just for you! If not, alas you won't be able to see any queue details in the dashboard.
Let's take a quick tour and touch on the high points...
List of Queues
When you visit the queues management page, you'll see a table which lists all of your queues. For those of you with many queues and/or folders, there's filtering available under the column headings to help you whittle the list and find whatever queue you may be looking for. You can also uncheck the "Include offline" checkbox to whittle the list to only queues which have at least one operator logged in and staffing.
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List of Queues |
Managing a Queue's Settings
To see a particular queue's settings, click the queue row in the list. At the top of the queue's management page, you'll be able to update the queue's name, the email address associated with the queue, and optionally file the queue under a particular folder.
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Individual Queue Page with Assignments Tab Selected |
By default, you'll first see the staffing assignments for your queue. As in the old queue management page, you'll see everyone assigned to staff the queue, which staff are opted into the queue, and which staff are logged into chat.
(New) Chat settings
In the chat settings tab, you'll find some new features that were not previously available in the old queue management page. The chat settings for a queue which are new include:
- Guest privacy controls: Control Guest IP metadata saved with chats. You can save the full IP, only the subnet, or disable saving of IP metadata.
- Chat transcript emails: Customize the email subject line used when chat transcripts are emailed to guests. The default subject line is "Your Chat Transcript."
- Concierge auto-responses: Previously concierge auto-responses were managed by support request to LibraryH3lp staff. In the new page, you can now manage all aspects of concierge auto-responses for your queue.
- Closing message: Add a message which is sent to the guest when an operator ends a chat. This is commonly used to offer a survey option to guests.
- Simple rollover: Service rollover allows you to define priority order for queues when routing chats. This means you can do things like send guests to experts first and then a more general queue when experts aren't available. Or if you are part of a collaborative service, you can direct guests to a local librarian first and then to partners otherwise.
A note on rollover: If you want guests to see a customized appearance based upon which queue is active in service rollover, you'll want to use the custom service rollover available in the chat snippet instead of simple rollover.
(New) Texting
(New) Mailbox & Tickets
Can I still use the old page?
Monday, February 3, 2025
Got FAQ?
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Example: The LibraryH3lp FAQ |
Guests want quick, easy answers to questions and access to information around the clock. After all, we're living in the information age right? The LibraryH3lp FAQ module is a great way to provide those answers and information. This handy module has what you need to provide help any time -- structured articles paired with search functionality, all optionally organized by help topic.
When you create a FAQ, you are creating a powerful resource that delivers 24/7 support and makes for happier guests. Why happier? Your FAQ is a huge time saver. By providing instant answers to all the most commonly asked questions, you'll be saving guests a heap of time. And by the way, your FAQ also lightens the load on staff, improving efficiency and service quality.
If you don’t have a FAQ yet, now is a fine time to start. And you don't have to start big. Start small with a few key commonly asked questions and then build over time. If you find you're getting a certain question asked frequently in chat, then add it to your FAQ. Over time, you'll build up an extensive and solid knowledgebase. The LibraryH3lp documentation has a section dedicated to navigating the FAQ module in the left sidebar with all you need to know about starting a FAQ. And unlimited use of the FAQ module is included with every LibraryH3lp subscription so it won't cost you an extra cent.
Whether you already have a FAQ or not, the LibraryH3lp support team offers free template design and import services. You don't have to be a web guru to have a great looking FAQ. Just shoot us an email and we'll be happy to customize your FAQ's templates to coordinate with your website and/or import existing questions and answers from an existing resource. Turn around time is quick -- usually just one or two business days.
Monday, January 27, 2025
Hello? Is anyone there?
We've all done it. Left the office in a rush and forgot to log out of chat. Doh! Now what? You don't want to leave guests hanging. The good news is that you can straighten this out pretty quickly if you have access to a computer or mobile device.
If you realize you've left yourself logged in on a computer that you cannot physically access, you can opt yourself out of your queue(s). What does opting out of a queue mean? When you are opted out of a queue, you won't receive incoming chats from guests. So it doesn't matter if you forgot to log out of chat since no chats are coming your way. Just log into the webclient from any computer or mobile device and opt yourself out of all queues. This opts you out of your queues from all locations no matter what software client you are using.
Remember the "Review staffing assignments before connecting" screen you see each time you log into the webclient? There's a "No" button you can click for each of your queues which will opt you out of that queue. For a one-click solution, uncheck the "Receive chats on ALL queues" checkbox at the bottom of the queue list and that will automatically select "No" for all of your queue assignments.
After clicking "connect now", logout as usual. Phew! All fixed. Later when you're ready for your next chat shift, you'll click "Yes" (or recheck "Receive chats on ALL queues") to opt yourself back in.
Now if you realize that you've forgotten to logout and you don't have access to a computer or mobile device, your local administrator can also opt you out of your queues so you'll want to get in touch with that admin.
Setting autologout in the webclient
Take another peek at the screenshot above. There's a section at the bottom of the screen you can use to set up autologout to avoid a forgotten login. The autologout timer will help you out if you forget to logout by automatically logging you out after a period of time (timer) or at a specific time (clock).
When autologout triggers, you will be presented with a box that both lets you know of the impending logout and lets you extend the time if needed. If you don't respond to that auto-logout prompt, you will be completely signed out within a minute.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Enhancing the Guest Experience with Proactive Chat Invitations
Let's say that you are a library offering chat in a research environment like your catalog search results page. Patrons might miss the in-page chat entry point if they are feeling overwhelmed. There's tons of search results staring them in the face and maybe they're struggling in their research. Adding a timer-based offer of help in the form of a proactive chat invitation can be a welcome life preserver -- especially if the patron knows there's a human librarian on the other side offering immediate assistance.
When LibraryH3p first offered proactive chat invitations about 10 years ago, we had several libraries do pilots to gauge effectiveness. Though many years old now, we wanted to again share the results of those pilots here because our customers found proactive chat to positively impact engagement. We invite you to follow that link and take some time read through what other LibraryH3lp customers have experienced with proactive chat invitations with real guests.
You can turn on proactive chat invitations on any of your existing chat snippets. We recommend keeping the messaging of your invitations concise, friendly, and, well, inviting. For example, "Welcome! Have questions? Get real-time help from real librarians."
We recommend setting the timer for your invitation anywhere between 15 to 45 seconds. By waiting at least 15 seconds, a guest has had some time to scan the content of the page. But you don't want to wait too long before offering up help because guests tend to move quickly through pages rather than sitting on a particular page for minutes at a time.
Let us know how it goes! We're always eager to hear feedback on features and are happy to help if any questions pop up or if you hit any snags.
Monday, January 13, 2025
Customizing Your Chat Widgets for Better Engagement - Part 3
To help you maximize engagement, we developed some questions you can ask yourself to see where you stand. In this post, we'll tackle the last two questions.
- Is chat available to guests?
- Do guests notice your chat widget?
- Is it easy for guests to start a chat?
- Do guests know they're chatting with a human?
- Do guests have enough room to chat?
- Do guests have to wait a long time to connect to an operator?
5) Do guests have enough room to chat?
If your guests are trying to chat with you in a cramped chat widget, they may get frustrated and give up. Cramped chat widgets are probably ok for short, quick conversations but if guests are spending even a moderate amount of time chatting with operators they'll want more room so they can easily review the conversation if needed and see any images the operator may share with them.
Use the chat widgets on your web pages as a guest would and see how it feels. Try short text, long text, and send some images. Make sure you do all of this using different devices -- desktops/laptops, tablets, and phones.
We strongly recommend using pop-out chat widgets since they generally work best for mobile and also give the guests the most room for chat. Importantly, pop-out chat widgets are NOT subject to pop-up blockers so no worries there.
If you're using embedded chat widgets, make sure you've set the width of the chat box to 100% so that it is responsive.
6) Do guests have to wait a long time to connect to an operator?
Let's face it. Everyone's attention span is short and getting shorter all the time. If guests have to wait too long before they get an initial response from an operator, they won't stick around.
We recommend taking some time to review the average wait times for your operators in 2024. The reports page of the admin dashboard includes a "Chats Per Operator" report that let's you know the number of chats answered by each operator along with average, median, minimum and maximum wait times. Analysis of this data is a great way to identify if any corrective action need to be taken with staffing either on an individual basis or communally.
That wraps up our list of questions! If you missed or need to review the first four questions, take a peek at Part 1 and Part 2. And if you have any questions or hit any snags, please contact LibraryH3lp support. We're always happy to help.
Monday, January 6, 2025
Customizing Your Chat Widgets for Better Engagement - Part 2
To help you maximize engagement, we developed some questions you can ask yourself to see where you stand. In this post, we'll tackle the next two questions.
- Is chat available to guests?
- Do guests notice your chat widget?
- Is it easy for guests to start a chat?
- Do guests know they're chatting with a human?
- Do guests have enough room to chat?
- Do guests have to wait a long time to connect to an operator?
3) Is it easy for guests to start a chat?
This item is important if you've opted to include an entry form in your chat widget. By default, guests can enter a question in to the chat box and they're off and running with chat -- it doesn't get much simpler than that. However entry forms add an extra hoop the guest must go through before the conversation begins. If guests have to provide too much information up front for a simple question, they won't start a chat.
Take some time to review the questions in your entry form to ensure a balance exists between the work a guest needs to do to start a chat and the importance of having that information for each and every guest that chats. Information can always be obtained from a guest during the course of the chat depending on the nature of the chat. You may find that some entry form data is better collected on per guest basis. Ad hoc collection can be made easy for operators with canned messages.
4) Do guests know they're chatting with a human?
With the rise in the popularity of bots, we've seen that more and more guests assume they'll be connected to a bot rather than a real person. You may want to touch up your chat box title or add a greeting so that you clearly set the expectation for the guest that they can expect to get quality real-time help from a live person. You just might find that guests are more apt to engage if they know there's a person on the other side.
That's it for now! Stay tuned for our next post where we'll tackle the last two questions designed to help you achieve better engagement for 2025. If you missed or need to review the first two questions, take a peek at Part 1. And if you have any questions or hit any snags, please contact LibraryH3lp support. We're always happy to help.
Monday, December 30, 2024
Customizing Your Chat Widgets for Better Engagement - Part 1
One awesome and simple way to increase the effectiveness of your chat widgets for 2025 is to review how you use LibraryH3lp on your web pages. Maybe with a few tweaks here and there you can enhance visibility and make the widget more usable for your guests.
We've developed some questions you can ask yourself to ensure you have your chat widgets customized to maximize engagement. In this post, we'll tackle these first two questions.
- Is chat available to guests?
- Do guests notice your chat widget?
- Is it easy for guests to start a chat?
- Do guests know they're chatting with a human?
- Do guests have enough room to chat?
- Do guests have to wait a long time to connect to an operator?
1) Is chat available to guests?
First and foremost, if operators aren't staffing chat then chat won't be available to guests. For example, if chat is only available for an hour a day you probably won't get many chats unless that happens to align with the busiest hour of guest traffic.
Take some time to review your chat scheduling to ensure folks are online and available to help guests as much as possible. Similarly, you'll want to review the offline options you offer guests when chat is offline to ensure no inquiry goes unanswered.
If you are a library and need help staffing chat, we recommend contacting our partner Chatstaff to see about boosting chat availability for your patrons. Chatstaff is not a co-op and is staffed by carefully vetted MLS-level librarians.
2) Do guests notice your chat widget?
Even if chat is available, you won't get chats if your guests don't notice your chat widget. Makes sense, right? You'll want your chat widget to be visually appealing and aligned with your branding. Most LibraryH3lp customers do a fantastic job with this right out of the gate. Let's take that a step further.
When designing a theme for your chat widget, we recommend selecting colors that contrast with the most common colors used on your website's to ensure the chat widget stands out. You want to draw the guest's eye to the availability of chat. And don't worry. You don't have to go outside of branding guidelines to get contrast. Just look through your branding palette and choose the colors that contrast best against the page.
Once a guest knows that chat is available, they'll naturally look for chat in the same place as they navigate around your web pages. We recommend placing the widget in a prominent, easily accessible location, such as the header, sidebar, or bottom corner of your webpage.
Proactive chat invitations are another great way to draw a guest's eye and let them know that chat is available. You can customize these so that guests are invited to chat after they've spent some time on a web page. The animation of the invitation appearing after the timer expires draws the guest's attention. And you don't have to worry about annoying your guests with proactive chat invites. There's a built-in politeness cookie so that the invitation is suppressed once a guests declines the invitation.
That's it for now! Stay tuned for our next post where we'll tackle the next two questions designed to help you achieve better engagement for 2025. If you have any questions or hit any snags, please contact LibraryH3lp support. We're always happy to help.