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LibraryH3lp is software used by libraries, educators, and non-profits for better customer service.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Sharing Chat on Social Media

Social media is where lots of folks spend an increasing amount of time every day—so reaching out to guests there with great customer service isn’t just smart; it’s essential. Did you know that you can share a link that takes guests directly to your chat widget as part of that outreach in social media posts?

It is simple to craft a URL to whisk your guests directly to your chat box with a single click. You just need three bits of information - the LibraryH3lp server for your subscription, your queue's name, and the ID for your chat skin. The format for the direct URL that uses these three bits of information looks like this:


where {server} is the LibraryH3lp server for your subscription, {queue} is your queue's name, and {id} is the ID for your chat skin. 

For example, below is the URL we use for LibraryH3lp support crafted using the formula above. Our server is the main, US server, Our queue name is libraryh3lp-support. And our chat skin ID is 29566.

For help crafting your chat URL, check out our docs.

** An extra bit of integration for Facebook

If you have a Facebook Page, not only can you include your chat URL in posts, you can also include it as a "Contact us" call to action button on the Page. Pretty slick, right? You can see this integration in action on our Facebook Page.

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