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LibraryH3lp is software used by libraries, educators, and non-profits for better customer service.

Saturday, February 28, 2009 new suitable jabber client

We don't usually update the blog when we change the documentation, but this one is very exciting! It's now safe to monitor LibraryH3lp queues using the website as the librarians' client.

What happened? Did we pay them money? Negotiate with them in some way? Nope. All that has changed is that Meebo now more fully complies with XEP-0085, the Jabber standard that describes sending chat state notifications. In plain English, this means that Meebo's server will notify the LibraryH3lp server when librarians do things like close windows and sign out. The result is that patrons who begin a chat with Librarian A will not get lost in the ether if they go silent during a chat, and in the meantime, Librarian A signs off and Librarian B signs on.

Now, won't have LibraryH3lp's special features like transfer, send file, and e-mail transcript integrated right into each chat window like our native librarians' webchat client does. To do those extra things from Meebo, you'll have to follow the "chat management" link that starts each chat and sign into the LibraryH3lp server directly. You may also have other concerns with Meebo (ads, privacy), but it will work from a technical point of view.

To sign in, simply use the Jabber login, with the lightbulb icon. The format for the login is Be sure to officially sign off, rather than just closing its browser window to end a shift, and you're good to go. It works with the Meebo Firefox plugin as well as the website.


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